
One couch potatoes journey to the record for the most hours of television watched in a year. Updated daily with reviews of what I watched. Check out our overview (our first post) for more information.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday, June 23, 2006

  • Scrubs S1.E22 "My Occurrence (1)" (DVD)-Rating-***
  • Scrubs S1.E23 "My Hero (2)" (DVD)-Rating-***
  • Scrubs S1.E24 "My Last Day" (DVD)-Rating-**1/2
  • Scrubs Season One Special Features (DVD)-Compared to most DVD sets, the extras were actually pretty good (1:00). Rating-***
  • Gameshow Marathon S1.E6 "Match Game" (VHS)-This episode was at least watchable for once. Rating-**1/2
  • Fear Factor S6.E10 "Reality Stars Fear Factor (1)" (VHS)-I really wish Jonathan and Victoria were off our TVs for good. The same goes for Fair Play. Rating-***
Episodes Watched Today: 6
Hours Watched Today: 3:30

Episodes Watched This Week: 27
Hours Watched This Week: 17:02
Total Episodes Watched: 443
Total Hours Watched: 296:48


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