
One couch potatoes journey to the record for the most hours of television watched in a year. Updated daily with reviews of what I watched. Check out our overview (our first post) for more information.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday, June 4, 2006

  • The Closer S1.E6 "Fantasy Date" (VHS)-Rating-**
  • 10.5 Apocalypse Part 1 (VHS)-NBC's disaster telefilm is a disaster. The acting was horrible, the plot was boring, and even the special effects were less than stellar (1:30). Rating-*
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2.E5 "Reptile Boy" (DVD)-Rating-***
Episodes Watched Today: 3
Hours Watched Today: 2:54

Episodes Watched This Week: 6
Hours Watched This Week: 4:20
Total Episodes Watched: 360
Total Hours Watched: 244:26


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