
One couch potatoes journey to the record for the most hours of television watched in a year. Updated daily with reviews of what I watched. Check out our overview (our first post) for more information.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday, June 5, 2006

  • Ghost Hunters S2.E24 "Shining Hotel" (VHS)-This was the first episode I've watched of this show and boy was I creeped out. The broken glass and opening door were both bone chilling. The table thing kind of looked staged to me but it could have been real (1:02). Rating-***
  • Law & Order S16.E4 "Age of Innocence" (VHS)-The pro-lifers in this episode were just as bad as the people they preach against. Rating-**1/2
  • Law & Order S16.E5 "Life Line" (VHS)-This episode was very dull. Rating-**
  • Ally McBeal S1.E1 "Pilot" (VHS)-This was the first episode of this show that I've watched and I was pretty disappointed by what I saw. Rating-**
  • Deal or No Deal S1.E39 (TV)-This episode was way too stretched out and thus, one of the most boring episodes of the season despite a $5 million top prize (1:02). Rating-**1/2
  • The Apprentice S5.E15 "Season Finale" (TV)-It wasn't a shock at all that Sean won (1:02). Rating-***
  • Scrubs S1.E11 "My Own Personal Jesus" (DVD)-This Christmas episode was well done and very funny (250th Hour Watched). Rating-***
Episodes Watched Today: 7
Hours Watched Today: 5:34

Episodes Watched This Week: 13
Hours Watched This Week: 9:54
Total Episodes Watched: 367
Total Hours Watched: 250:00


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