
One couch potatoes journey to the record for the most hours of television watched in a year. Updated daily with reviews of what I watched. Check out our overview (our first post) for more information.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006

  • CSI S6.E24 "Way To Go" (VHS)-(450th Episode Watched) Rating-**
  • Firefly S1.E6 "Shindig" (DVD)-Rating-***
  • Fear Factor S6.E11 "Reality Stars Fear Factor (2)" (VHS)-Thank goodness the idiotic Johnny Fairplay was eliminated. Rating-**1/2
  • Grey's Anatomy S1.E4 "No Man's Land" (DVD)-Rating-***
  • Firefly S1.E7 "Safe" (DVD)-Rating-***
  • Firefly S1.E3 "Our Mrs. Reynolds" (DVD)-This was the first episode that made me a card-carrying member of the Browncoats. Rating-***1/2
  • Family Guy S4.E22 "Sibling Rivalry" (VHS)-Rating-***1/2
  • Free Ride S1.E4 "Procrasti-Nating" (VHS)-I can't say anything nice about this show so I won't say anything at all. Rating-*
  • Family Guy S4.E25 "You May Now Kiss The...Uh...Guy Who Receives" (VHS)-Rating-***
  • American Dad S1.E21 "Helping Handis" (VHS)-Rating-**
  • Firefly S1.E4 "Jaynestown" (DVD)-Rating-***
Episodes Watched Today: 11
Hours Watched Today: 6:22

Episodes Watched This Week: 17
Hours Watched This Week: 10:38
Total Episodes Watched: 460
Total Hours Watched: 307:26


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